
Major flaws found in Samsung phones Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge?

I was walking through the Best Buy store the other day and I take a look at the Samsung section of the store. The new Samsung S6 and Edge S6 caught my eye. As I am playing around with the phones I notcied a flaw in the new OLED screens they have. I see some burn in displayed on the screen. I think maybe it was the apps running that was causing this dysfunctional display. I quickly try to change the applications on the phone, but no luck -there are still burn in effects. What is a burn in you say? Its a mark on the screen that has been left because of unused pixels or motionless pixels. Do samsung OLED phones cause burn in? Yes they do if they turned on and not being used.

The real definition of burn in is, “Screen burn-in, image burn-in or ghost image, colloquially known as screen burn, is a permanent discoloration of areas on an electronic display such as a cathode ray tube (CRT) display or computer display monitor or television set caused by cumulative non-uniform usage of the pixels.” -wiki

Of course this is for CRT but OLED have the same burn in features but with different technology.

I took pictures of the burn in and if you look closely you can tell that the display definitely has some permanent pixel discoloration.



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