AMD Has Ryzen – Launch Video From AMD
AMD has finally released more details about their latest AMD processor RYZEN. This has been a 4 year journey for AMD. AMD and Jim Keller once again pushing what technology can do. Their innovation will push the world forward. The video below also has confirmed all the hype and rumors that have been on online rumors and videos. In the video, Lisa Su has confirmed they even beat their initial goal of having 40% more instructions per clock, to a whopping 52% more instructions per clock. The leap of performance is incredible and AMD should be proud of their hardworking team that have worked over two million engineering hours on this chip. Watch the video below for more information on AMD Ryzen 7 release.
It’s also a no brainer that Wall St has already had this information for years, and the price stock has already been adjusted to this news. AMD stock has been steadily increasing for the last years. Take a look at the price AMD is at right now.