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A Letter To Xiaomi.

Dear Xiaomi,


Please keep up the excellent work on Mi Mix. This should be your flagship phone and not all those copycat phones -mi note, mi max, mi etc,. Focus. Focus. Focus on Mi Mix as your Flagship phone. No more copying. I know you love Steve Jobs, however Apple is their own company. Xiaomi is your own company. Focus, Focus, Focus. Don’t lose focus. You have a great thing going here finally. The Mi Mix is a remarkable, brilliant, influential phone. And most of all it’s your own. Don’t lose that. Stop with all the other phones. Less is more. Less is more.


I am writing this to you because I believe this is important. Not to lose your focus. Build on what you have already learned from creating the Mi Mix. How can you make it better? How you can you make something better that is already great? That is what we do -what humans do. Listen to your customers. Listen. Listen. Listen to their feedback and think about if they are right or not. Customer feedback is important  -I hope you have a big customer feedback department.


Hire the best people. The most talented people. Find them. Search for them. Like what you did with Philippe Starck.


I have been using the Mi Mix for awhile now and I have suggestions for you. First the MI UI -I know companies want consumer information and that is why they have their own messaging app, email, browser, etc. But let the consumer choose what they want. Google has been good to you and to everyone. You can cut out all the useless stuff like the Mi browser, but you can still have it there, but don’t spend a lot of time on it. Remember, less is more. People will be using the Chrome browser, just remember that. Now you can focus on the stuff you can control. For instance, the hardware. Camera, finger sensor, display, frame, flash, front camera, water proofing?, speakers, vibration? etc. It’s all in the details. How can you improve the little things? How can you make it better. Stop looking to other companies. You are Xiaomi.


Please make the camera better really, it’s horrible on the Mi Mix.


People like stock Android. Have it so it’s easy to get the updates from Google. People want the latest from Google fast.


I will update this letter, once I remember what I need to write down. But for now, I hope this letter gets to you. I hope you read this letter. I hope you keep innovating and stop copying. Be Xiaomi.


Techie, YouTuber, Writer, Creator