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Happy 40th (Belated) Birthday Apple (It Was Yesterday April 1st)

Happy 40th Birthday Apple -sorry for the late notice. It has been 40 years since the creation of Apple. April 1st, 1976 is the birthdate of one of the most iconic companies in the world. Looking back -Steve Jobs did something amazing. He looked at computers/electronics as art -as masterpieces.  He wanted to create and design things that were functional and at the same time beautiful -inside and out. We all talk about the genius of Steve Jobs and there is a reason for that. Just take a look at the products and computers Apple has produced in the past and compare them to other personal computers. Steve knew what he was doing. He helped design and create beautiful art/work/masterpieces for the world. He took design extremely seriously and took no shortcuts.

This is why Apple products are so expensive. Looking back and still today -Apple has always been on the expensive side -and that’s what draws people away from Apple. PCs -are the cheaper choice. And I don’t blame people for hating Apple because they are so expensive. But now there are cheaper used Apple products that can bought at an affordable price. Take a look at the PCs and compare them to Apple. Apple just designs better products. And in the long run -better design always win. People will finally come to realize that products that are thoughtfully designed and that just work will always come out on top.

Here’s to Steve Jobs and Apple’s 40th Birthday! Let the next 40 years be even more innovated than the last!


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