Is Microsoft Beating Apple At Their Own Game?
I walked in the Microsoft store a couple weeks ago and noticed something different with their new Surface 2017 Laptops. I was playing around with the laptop and noticed the charging port on the Surface. It was magnetic. Now, they might have been always magnetic since the beginning, however please forgive me because I am now just noticing it. Something that was standard in previous Macbooks, but now Apple decided to go all out with USB-C. Most Apple Macbook fans were furious over the USB-C change, and even YouTube’s very own Casey Neistat demonstrated the function of the magnetic charging port in his little Macbook Pro review.
Anyway, Microsoft seems to be to killing it with their hardware lately. First with their Surface Studio PC (huge touch screen all in one PC) and now this. It seems like Microsoft is making some of the right hardware choices and beating Apple at their function/design game. If you get the chance to visit a Microsoft store, then don’t forget to check out their laptops even if you are a Apple fan for life, it doesn’t hurt just to look.